Monthly Archives: March 2012

Seri Humor Sufi Nasruddin

#MikrotikTips ~ SSH (Secure Shell) Server and Client

SSH (Secure Shell) Server and Client Summary SSH Client authenticates server and encrypts traffic between the client and server. You can use SSH just the same...
Seri Humor Sufi Nasruddin

Install Script Google Search

Bismillahirahhmanirrahim Antah Barantah,,, menunggu waktu shubuh tiba Versi : Wordpress 3.3.1 Penempatan : Sidebar Tema : Modern Ada banyak cara, bisa memasang plugin "google search" atau memasang script sendiri. Di...
Seri Humor Sufi Nasruddin

#LinuxTips Setting IP Address Ubuntu

Setting IP Address Ubuntu Kahayan - 4 Ramadhan 1423 H Menunggu datangnya adzan maghrib. Setting IP Address Ubuntu Via Command Line Edit file /etc/network/interfaces #nano /etc/networks/interfaces Change...
Seri Humor Sufi Nasruddin

Hard Reset Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570

Hard Reset Samsung galaxy mini S5570 Shutdown handphone Press and hold home key while press power button. ...